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Nana Menabdishvili


The self-preservation behavior is directed towards the preservation of health and  the extension of  lifespan throughout the full life cycle. It has the greatest role as for the certain person, also for the country from the demographic and the economic point of view.

The study of the self-preservation behavior is carried out by following indicators: an ideal, a desired and an expected years of life expectancy. Our study is based on the research results carried out among the students. Respondents named 84,8 years on average as the ideal life expectancy, the desired life expectancy was amounted accordingly 83,2 on average. The expected life expectancy on average equals to  78,3 years. The expected life expectancy is the less among the respondents, who estimates health as “the bad”.  The ideal life expectancy exceeds the desired by 3,2 years in this group, but the expected -  by 11,7 years. Among the respondents who estimates own health as “the good”, the desired life expectancy exceeds the expected by 8,5 years. The life expectancy in respondents, who estimated own health as “the good”, the difference between the ideal and the desired life expectancy is only 1,1 year, but between the ideal and the expected accordingly – 5,5 years.  The desired figure of life expectancy exceeds the expected only by 2,2 years.  The sharp difference in the ideas and expectations is obvious among the respondents, with the different health status towards the self-preservation behavior figures.

The most respondents (82,9%) have received the regular health care from the infancy, but they doesn’t have  a simple attitude towards this issue. The respondents are not characterized by the permanent care of their health. More than 1/5 of respondents cares only during illness. Unfortunately, there are respondents who never care about health. The lack of knowledge concerning the health care was named one of the reasons of this.

The study of dependence to bad habits has shown that, tobacco consumers are noted among the both sexes of respondents – 41,1%. The moderate consumption of alcohol is revealed in respondents on the whole. 31,1% of respondents never uses alcohol. As for using of narcotics, the majority of respondents 73,8% never use,  but at the same time there are frequent users among them.  Only small number of the respondents - 16,2%  cares about health. But the sizable number of respondents doesn’t seriously care about own health, uses a self-medication during illness or “visits” a doctor only in an extreme case. 

As the self-preservation behavior studyof students and youths has shown, it is necessary to carry out the important measures, in order to realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the younger generations personally and for the whole society.